Local Missions

“…And the Good of Madison.”

At Doxa, our mission statement is to “share the Gospel and our lives for the glory of God and the good of Madison.” But what does that last part, “and the good of Madison,” actually mean? For us, this is not just a sentiment but a specific disposition and conviction about how we live as followers of Jesus in our city. In seeking the good of Madison, we do so by practically and tangibly supporting our community and neighbors, especially those impacted by poverty.

Here is what that looks like at Doxa:

Our partner schools

Lincoln Elementary, just five minutes from Doxa, is a diverse, caring, and joyful community whose mission is to empower children to become enthusiastic and inquisitive lifelong learners. 

It’s Doxa’s honor to get to support Lincoln Elementary as they serve our immediate neighborhood. Volunteer opportunities include classroom support, recess supervising, and tutoring, as well as several opportunities outside of the school day. 

Doxa puts on several events throughout the year to support our community. These include supply drives, trunk or treat, and Christmas gift drives. With these events, we will typically work with both Lincoln Elementary School as well as Badger Rock Middle School.

To learn more how you can serve in any of these ways, click below:

As Individuals

With everything that we do as a church, we’re praying that God would use not to only aid those in need in and around our midst, but also to disciple us all into Christians who look more and more like Jesus. While we as a congregation have strategic means for blessing our city, it’s when all of us individuals begin creatively pursuing justice and mercy (Micah 6:8) in our own unique lives that massive movement can occur. We want to consistently encourage one another to practically do justice (Hebrews 10:24), and we want to live lives devoted to good works and ready for any need that we come across (Titus 3).

If you’re interested in volunteering at a higher capacity or have a specific area of interest but just aren’t sure how, we’d love to help you do so. Though our main focus as a congregation is on supporting our neighboring public schools, we have members passionate in serving a variety of needs (e.g. homelessness, poverty alleviation, food security, and more). We would love to help you take your next step in serving the wider Madison community, whatever that looks like. Please email local@doxamadison.com.

Community Resources


Vulnerable Families

Pregnant/Single Mothers

Food Pantry

Sex Trafficking

How else?

In addition to all of the above, we offer material and financial assistance through our online Help Request Form, which can be found here. If you or someone you know lives in the Madison area and needs help of any kind, please don’t hesitate to ask.

If you have questions about any of the above, or want to get further involved in Doxa’s Local Missions efforts, please email local@doxamadison.com.